Rules for visiting

Rules for visiting LUMINA Park at Vilnius University Botanical Garden in Kairėnai

1. LUMINA Park is an open-air festival of light installations and sounds at the Botanical Garden of Vilnius University in Kairėnai (Kairėnų str. 43, Vilnius) (hereinafter referred to as the Park).
2. In order to ensure the safety of all visitors, visitors to the Park must comply with the rules of LUMINA Park, the rules of Vilnius University Botanical Garden (available here), and during quarantine - the rules of Vilnius University Botanical Garden during quarantine (as amended) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).
3. Visiting the Park implies that the visitor has read these Rules and agrees to comply with them.
4. The Rules of the Park are available at the Park's information point, on the Park's website and on the Park's social networks.
5. Visiting conditions and prices
5.1 The park is open from Tuesday to Sunday. The park is closed on Mondays, except on December 25th and January 1st. The park is open seasonally from 20 October 2023. The closing date of the Park is 25th of the February.
5.2 The Park is open from Tuesday to Sunday until 22:00 (last entry at 21:00). The opening time of the Park varies according to the period. Opening hours: 20-28 October from 18:30; 29 October – 19 November from 17:00; 20 November – 7 January from 16:30; 8-31 January from 17:00; 1-11 February from 17:30; 12-25 February from 18:00.
5.3. 24 December 2023 The park will be closed.
5.4 The Park may be closed due to sudden changes in weather conditions (including strong wind gusts and heavy rain). Information will be posted on the Park’s social media channels. In the event of a sudden deterioration in weather conditions, visitors should follow the instructions of Park staff, including the instruction to leave the Park immediately.
5.5 The Park may be suspended due to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania to declare a Covid-19 pandemic in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.
5.6 Visitors to the Park are required to purchase an entrance ticket. Tickets can be purchased on the website or at the park ticket offices. Ticket offices are open from Tuesday to Sunday during the opening hours of the Park as specified in point 5.2. Tickets purchased online are in electronic form.
5.7. The following persons are entitled to purchase tickets at a discounted price: children up to 18 years of age, students up to 26 years of age (with an ISIC student card), pensioners, persons with disabilities and their accompanying persons, Vilnius University employees. Persons entitled to a discounted ticket will be required to present a document proving this.
5.8. Children under 2 years old can enter Lumina Park free of charge.
5.9. Once you leave the Park, the ticket is no longer valid and cannot be used again.
5.10. Tickets purchased are non-refundable and non-exchangeable except in the cases described in point 5.11.
5.11. Reimbursement of ticket purchases is only possible if the Park has been suspended during the validity of the ticket. In this situation, if you wish to be reimbursed, please send an e-mail to:
5.12. Weekend ticket prices are valid on public holidays (the 1st and 2nd of the November), 25th December , 1st January.
6. Photography and filming
6.1 Photography and filming in the Park for personal purposes is permitted provided that it does not interfere with the movement of Park visitors, does not disturb visitors, does not damage plants, exhibits and Park equipment, and does not cause harm to other visitors (physical or related to the individual’s right to an image). In this case, no notification of photography or filming is required.
6.2 The use of drones and electric hang gliders is prohibited above the Park.
6.3 Photography and filming for commercial purposes may only be carried out with the consent of the Board of Directors of Lumina Sp z o.o. The price of a commercial photo shoot within the Park is EUR 100 + VAT, payable before the photo shoot at the ticket office at the entrance. It is obligatory to reserve the place in advance by contacting
6.4 It is forbidden to take photographs or videos of parts of the security systems.
6.5 The Park shall not be liable for any infringement of the personal rights of third parties or any damage caused to them as a result of photography and filming.
6.6 The territory of the Park is filmed. The video recording shall be kept for 14 (fourteen) days. The area shall be filmed in order to ensure the protection of the company’s assets and the safety of employees.
7. Children and minors visiting the Park
7.1 Children and minors may only be in the Park under the supervision of an adult who assumes full responsibility for their safety.
7.2 Guardians or parents are responsible for the behaviour and legal safety of minors.
8. Animals in the Park
8.1 Dogs and other domestic animals are not allowed in the Park of the VU Botanical Garden in Kairėnai.
8.2 It is forbidden to catch, frighten or feed animals and birds living in the Park.
8.3.Visitors who do not comply with these Rules and bring a dog or other domestic animal into the territory of the Park will be obliged to leave the Park and will not be reimbursed for their tickets.
9. Security
9.1 In order to ensure the safety of Park visitors, jogging, cycling (including children’s bicycles), use of skateboards, scooters, roller skates, etc. is prohibited.
9.2 There are several installations in the Park which can be entered and photographed. It is forbidden to climb on installations that are fenced off with barriers. It is forbidden to move the installations.
9.3 Touching electrical appliances, cables, wires and elements supporting the installations is prohibited.
9.4 On days with adverse weather conditions (rain, hail, snow, wind, etc.), extreme care must be taken.
9.5 The park is constantly monitored by security guards, cameras and security systems. Visitors entering the Park are aware of this and agree to be monitored.
9.6 Smoking and the use of environmentally harmful fragrances are prohibited in the Park.
9.7. Persons disturbing the peace and order and failing to comply with these Rules may be deprived of the right to visit the Park, may not be reimbursed for the ticket, and shall be liable to pay damages in accordance with the legislation in force in the Republic of Lithuania.
9.8. In addition to the requirements of these Rules and the documents listed in p. 2, visitors must also comply with the requirements of other laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Lithuania regulating order in public places.
9.9 Qualified security guards have the right to remove visitors who do not comply with these Rules from the Park. In this case, visitors may not make any complaints.
9.10. Visitors to the Park must comply with the instructions and remarks of the Park staff responsible for security.
9.11. It is forbidden to bring or use pyrotechnics, explosives, harmful chemicals, etc. in the Park.
9.12. Visitors must strictly observe the Park’s health and safety rules and fire regulations. Fireworks, cold fire, firecrackers, etc. are prohibited in the entire territory of the Park.
9.13. The organisers of Park activities are not responsible for the behaviour of visitors under the influence of alcohol. Such visitors assume full responsibility for their own behaviour and for any damage or injuries sustained while visiting the Park. Intoxicated visitors may be asked to leave the Park immediately and will not be reimbursed.
9.14. It is forbidden to touch the art installations, electrical installations and floodlights in the Park.
9.15. It is forbidden to pollute or litter in the Park, to destroy plantations and fences around green areas.
9.16. Any behaviour that discriminates against other Visitors (including racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, homophobia, etc.) is prohibited.
9.17. In the event of injury or damage to another Visitor, regardless of the nature of the damage, it is obligatory to contact the Park staff.
9.18. It is forbidden to break or destroy objects and equipment belonging to the Park, VU Botanical Garden or third parties.
9.19. A visitor to the Park may not expect compensation for damage or loss (in the case of injuries, damage to inventory, vehicles, etc.), if it is caused by a violation of these Rules and/or the general requirements of the Botanical Garden. The Visitor shall be financially liable for any damage, including personal injury and damage to property, caused by his/her fault.
9.20. Each visitor is responsible for his/her own belongings brought into the Park, including glasses, phone, backpack, laptop, etc. The Park shall not be financially liable for any damage and/or loss of the aforementioned items, including if they are left in the Park, in its surroundings, in car parks or in other places adjacent to the territory of the Park.
9.21. Items lost or abandoned in the Park, if found by a Park employee or handed over by a third party, can be collected from the cash desk within 30 days of being found.
9.22. The Park shall not be liable for any damage caused by force majeure, natural forces, weather conditions or any other reasons of force majeure, solely due to the fault of the injured party or a third party.
9.23. The Park shall not be liable for any disruption of electricity, gas, water or other utility services, or for any inconvenience that may result therefrom.
9.24. Fires may occur in the Park. It is forbidden to come within 2 metres of a fire.